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Superb Massage Tables’ Headquarters Relocation

Businesses change locations for several reasons — to save money, to be closer to vendors and customers, to accommodate growth, or to enjoy a better neighborhood. Moreover, businesses may decide to change location in order to deliver better customer services. And that's why we are writing this blog — to announce a change for our business.



Exciting events are happening at Superb Massage Tables, and we are incredibly excited and thrilled to share a piece of important news with all of you. Loyalty from you, our valued customers, has driven a continual growth for our company, that's why we decided to move to a new location that will enable us to deliver more quality products and customer service to you! We enjoy doing business with all of you, and we are very grateful for your non-stop support.

Our new address is:

401 Congress Avenue #1540

Austin, TX 78701

Our new phone number is 512-568-3083, and our email will remain the same

Our new headquarters will enable us to add more features to serve you better. We look forward to having you visit our new store soon.

Should you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Once again, thank you very much for your never-ending support.